
12 in-demand tech skills you can master in 2024

Developing these 12 tech skills could lead to better job opportunities in 2024. From data analysis to content creation, learn what skills are in high demand and how to master them.

12 in-demand tech skills you can master in 2024
Tech Skills to Learn in 2024

Can we all agree that Africa and the world, in general, are buzzing with tech fever? Projections for 2024 are mind-blowing: $8 TRILLION in tech! That's a digital revolution reshaping everything we know. So, as we approach this wave, the big question remains: what tech skills can I learn to unlock the golden doors to lucrative and high-paying careers?

To help you stay ahead of the curve, we’ve compiled a list of the top 12 tech skills you can to learn for 2024, categorized into technical and non-technical skills.

Disclaimer: Tech enthusiasts are advised not to expect quick financial success but rather to understand the importance of building experience and skills over prioritizing immediate monetary gain.

The skills listed in this article are all transferable across several career paths. As you read this list, consider your career goals, past experiences, and the job descriptions of your desired roles, and notice whether any of these skills may naturally facilitate your path.

1. Data Analysis

Data professionals help make sense of complicated data. They find useful patterns and answers that help companies decide what to do. With the growing demand for systems that manage and analyze large data volumes, often in real-time, your expertise as a data enthusiast will be increasingly sought after in 2024.

Key skills to learn: Data visualization, Python, SQL, machine learning, and predictive modelling.

2. CyberSecurity

In an era where cyber threats and data breaches loom larger than ever, cybersecurity is becoming very important. These experts play a pivotal role in protecting sensitive data in our digital world, whether it's safeguarding financial transactions, protecting patient health records, or securing confidential government data.

Key skills to learn: Network security, Ethical hacking, Cryptography, Cybersecurity Frameworks and Best Practices 

3. AI and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are leading the charge in tech innovation, changing the way we use technology and how businesses work. They're making big impacts in things like customer service chatbots, predicting financial trends, and new healthcare tech. For instance, AI helps tailor online experiences for each user, while ML is changing the game in how we understand and use data.

Key skills to learn: Neural Networks, Python programming, TensorFlow, and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

4. Software Engineering

Software Engineering is foundational to crafting the digital tools and platforms that power our world today. It's a field that combines analytical skills and creativity to design, develop, and maintain software applications. Software engineers work across various industries, developing everything from mobile apps to complex computer systems. The demand for skilled software engineers continues to grow as technology advances in 2024.

Key skills to learn: Problem-Solving, Programming Languages (Python, SQL, Python, HTML5, Java, or C++), Version Control, Web Development (Front-end/Back-end technologies), Security Fundamentals etc.

5. Blockchain

Blockchain technology has evolved from being just the backbone of cryptocurrency to a revolutionary way of maintaining secure, transparent, and tamper-proof records. Blockchain application also extends beyond finance into supply chain management, digital identity verification, and more, making it a pivotal skill set in the tech industry. Mastering this skill means becoming part of the revolution that will redefine how we think about data security and transparency.

Key Skills to learn: Cryptography, Distributed Systems, Consensus Algorithms, Smart Contract Development, Ethereum, Hyperledger, Solidity, Web3.js, etc.

Read also: 10 High paying tech jobs in Nigeria

6. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has transformed the tech landscape, offering scalable, efficient, and flexible computing resources over the internet. As businesses continue to migrate to the cloud to optimize operations and reduce costs, expertise in cloud computing will be more valuable than ever. Whether it's deploying applications, managing data storage, or ensuring cloud security, cloud computing skills will set you up to lead in this dynamic field.

Key Skills to learn: Cloud Service Models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS), Cloud Deployment Models (Public, Private, Hybrid), Cloud Providers (Google Cloud, AWS, Azure, etc.), Cloud Security, Cloud Architecture, Cloud Migration, Cloud Native Development, etc.

7. Customer Support

The customer is always right, but with a CRM talent in place, you can also make sure that the customer is always happy, loyal, and satisfied. CRM is the skill that helps you manage and improve your relationships with your customers, from the first contact to the last. The in-demand skill will enable a marketer to collect and analyze customer data, segment and personalize campaigns, measure and optimize results for increased revenue.

Key skills to learn: Proficiency in CRM software, Email marketing, Lead generation, Customer service, and Analytics.

8. Technical Writing

Technical writers explain complex products in simple terms for product users. They help companies communicate new technology and facilitate informed decisions. This flexible skill will stay in high demand in 2024 and beyond because of the rise of new technology. Without simple documentation, customers get frustrated and sales fall. 

Key skills to learn: Excellent writing skills, Document design skills, Fluency with digital tools Basic knowledge of the technical subject and ability to target user personas for a personalized experience.

9. Content Creation

Starting out in content creation is like a win-win situation. You get to start your own business in your chosen niche (entertaining, educational, or inspirational) before the pressure from securing high-paying jobs eventually comes. Companies now prioritize user-centric content to promote their digital products, giving content creators and managers better chances to stand out in 2024.

Key skills to learn: Content strategy, Search Engine Optimization, Copywriting, Social Media Management, Branding, Research, Analytics, etc. 

10. User Interface and Experience Design (UI/UX) 

Learning UI/UX design means you'll have to step into three shoes: that of an artist, a strategist, and an innovator. This high-demand skill allows you to bring your ideas and vision to life through a blend of visual and interactive elements, all while solving real-world challenges and enhancing user accessibility.

Key skills to learn: Master User Interface Design, User experience Design, Wireframing, Prototyping, and User Research.

11. Product Management

From concept to launch and beyond, Product Management sits at the heart of tech success. In 2024, this role is even more in demand, shaping digital experiences and steering companies towards market dominance. As a Product Manager, you're the champion of the user. You translate their needs into tangible solutions, bridging the gap between technology and business. You wear many hats – strategist, analyst, leader, negotiator – orchestrating every aspect of a product's lifecycle, from conception to post-launch optimization.

Key skills to learn:  Project planning, risk management, Resource management, Agile and Scrum methodologies, Communication skills and Decision-making

12. Tech Support Specialist

In 2024, Tech Support Specialists remain the unsung heroes ensuring our digital experiences are seamless and efficient. They are the problem solvers who ensure that apps run smoothly, and that any tech hiccup is swiftly resolved. Entering this field means becoming an essential part of the tech ecosystem, where your work directly impacts user satisfaction and operational continuity.

Key skills to learn: Troubleshooting, Technical Knowledge, Customer Service, Documentation


We are certain that this is not an exhaustive list of all the emerging and lucrative tech skills that tech enthusiasts can explore in 2024. But, these are very intuitive and will provide a good experience for a start. Then, you can take on other options as your experience level grows.

If you have any suggestions you think we should include in this list, please feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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