
How to apply for the Spanish digital nomad visa

Spain joins neighbouring countries, Portugal, and other European countries in the bid to attract global tech talents with the launch of its digital nomad visa.

How to apply for the Spanish digital nomad visa
Spanish digital nomad visa

Spain has joined neighbouring countries, Portugal, Croatia, Hungary, Norway, Italy and other European countries in the bid to attract global tech talents following the launch of its digital nomad visa.

The visa called an “international teleworkers visa,” allows non-European Union citizens to carry out remote work or professional activity for companies located outside the country. Teleworkers refer to people who work through the exclusive use of computer means and systems, telematics and telecommunication.

Digital nomad visa (DNV) has been on the rise due to the explosion of remote working options accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. European countries like Portugal, Croatia, Italy, and Hungary have previously launched their DNV in the last three years.

Back in January 2022, Spain’s Economic Affairs Minister, Nadia Calvino, said the country was willing to “attract and retain international and national talents by helping remote workers and digital nomads set up in Spain.”

In November 2022, the European country’s Startup Act was passed into law, with the aim to boost talent and investment in Spain and improve the country’s credentials as a global business hub.

The new visa is for foreigners who carry out remote work or professional activities using computers or other forms of telecommunication. The visa allows you to live and work in Spain for up to 12 months. And the visa is renewable for up to five years.

The Basque Country is the perfect destination to work and travel to for many reasons. The country is blessed with bustling cities, Mediterranean beaches, excellent food and famous artists like Francisco de Goya, Salvador Dalí and Pablo Picasso.

It’s a relatively affordable country with all the advantages of being a major part of Western Europe and a partner in the European Union. Spain’s fixed broadband download speed is 172.67Mbps and 38.08Mbps for mobile.

An interesting difference between Spain’s digital nomad visa from other countries’ visas is that 20% of your income can come from Spanish clients.

Who can obtain Spain’s digital nomad visa?

To obtain Spain’s international teleworker’s visa, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be citizens of countries outside the European Economic Area and be of legal age.
  2. No criminal records in the country you have resided in the past five years.
  3. As a freelancer or self-employed individual, you must prove a professional working relationship with a foreign company for which you have worked for a minimum of three months. The company will also authorize your transfer to Spain.
  4. Have public insurance or private health insurance arranged with an insurance company authorized to operate in Spain
  5. Show proof of qualification to work in their field through a university degree or three years of professional experience.
  6. Provide documentation showing your job can be completed remotely.
  7. Have sufficient financial resources for yourself and your family members during your period of residence in Spain.
Related Article: How to obtain Norway’s digital nomad visa

Financial requirements

Applicants must also have sufficient funds to support their stay in Spain, which can be proven by showing at least 200% of Spain's monthly minimum wage. That is about €2160 ($2,300) per month.

The Spanish minimum wage has been steadily growing in the last five years. So as an applicant, be sure to check the current minimum wage to accurately calculate the minimum wage you’ll submit for your application.

Spouses and families can join successful applicants, but applicants will have to show higher wages to bring them. For one dependant, the applicant must show an additional 75% of the country's monthly minimum wage, or $1,000 more per month in income. After that, they will need to show 25% for each additional dependent, or about $335 per person.

So for a family of four to move to Spain, the applicant would need to show earnings of $4,350 per month, or about $52,200 per year.

Documents required for Spanish digital nomad visa

  1. Copy of the complete passport or valid travel document.
  2. Proof of having paid the administrative fee.
  3. The application form is filled and signed by the remote worker.
  4. Letter of accreditation by the foreign company/companies showing professional relationship for at least three months to the date of application.
  5. Letter of accreditation showing continuous activity with the foreign company or group of companies for at least one year.
  6. A letter from the foreign company authorising work remotely from Spain. This should include the job profile, salary to be received, and terms and other conditions in which the remote professional will carry out the activity.
  7. A copy of a degree certificate or proof of work experience.
  8. A certificate of Social Security coverage.
  9. Current criminal record certificate from the country or countries where they resided for the past two years.

Public or private health insurance. Original and a copy of the certificate accrediting the public or private health insurance contracted with an insurance entity authorized to operate in Spain. The insurance policy must cover all the risks insured by Spain's public health system. S1 form and proof of having registered it with the Spanish National Social Security ( is accepted as public health insurance

If you possess all of these documents mentioned above in hand, you can apply at your local consulate or embassy.

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