
DIT and Innovation Corner launch Lagos Immersion

Application for the United Kingdom's Department for International Trade (DIT) and Innovation Corner's Lagos Immersion hackathon is now open. Deadline is by noon on July 7

DIT and Innovation Corner launch Lagos Immersion

Application for the United Kingdom's Department for International Trade (DIT) and Innovation Corner's Lagos Immersion hackathon is now open.

Lagos Immersion is a new programme aimed at highlighting the strengths of the African tech ecosystem and encourage greater investment. The hackathon will focus on those technology solutions that address some of the macroeconomic and development challenges in Africa. These challenges include:

  • harnessing technology to support Nigerian companies to do more business internationally
  • using technology to increase gender equality
  • using technology to fill the subsisting skill and knowledge gap in the economy, with special consideration for the digitally excluded
  • harnessing technology to reduce unemployment rate in Nigeria
  • leveraging technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

If you or anyone you know have tech solutions or idea that fit this bill, then:

Apply for the Lagos Immersion hackathon

Fill this form to apply. Application deadline is by noon on July 7

The Lagos Immersion hackathon will take place on July 10

What you stand to win

  • You will be paired with mentors with investment background and have access to a wider network for four months.
  • You will be invited to the Beyond Nigeria networking session with the Deputy High commissioner of the UK High Commission in August and subsequent sessions.
  • You will have the opportunity to pitch your ideas to potential investors and partners in Nigeria and the UK.
  • You will receive support from the DIT and Innovation Corner.
  • You will gain access to local and foreign Immersion corporate partners.

To learn more about who the judges and mentors are and further details, click here

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