
GetEquity Startup Festival to hold this November

The GetEquity Startup Festival which was initially scheduled to hold in July has been rescheduled to November 19, 2022 at Glitz Event Centre, Lekki, Lagos.

GetEquity Startup Festival to hold this November
Startup Festival by GetEquity 

According to the organisers, the festival will host over 2000 tech and startup enthusiasts from all around the world. The GetEquity Startup Festival is geared toward bringing together international tech executives, founders, individual investors, venture capitalists as well as other tech enthusiasts in the African startup ecosystem by creating a space that fosters innovation, networking and synergy across the several sub-sectors within the industry.

The event will have two major touch points: the conference and the exhibition; the conference will drive conversations around issues within the African startup industry and how to navigate through them. Talks and panels discussions featuring keynote speakers from different sub-sectors in the industry will also be part of the lineup. This will bring founders, tech enthusiasts and attendees up to speed on development within the industry as well as provide insights on how to tackle different problems within their individual sub-sectors.

Meanwhile, the exhibition session will feature over 50 Startups from across Africa, talking about their products and services as well as their journey so far to investors and potential customers from all around the world. There will also be a Pitch Competition; this will give different Startups at different levels of their growth an opportunity to win Millions of Naira with the possibility of getting listed on GetEquity.

Four reasons to attend the GetEquity Startup Festival.

Here are a few reasons why you will be doing yourself a favour by attending the Startup Festival.

  • You want to see ideas turn into reality: The most exciting part of technology is how new things are created out of nothing – how an idea conceived by an individual or a small group of persons can grow to become one that impacts the lives of so many. One of the activities scheduled to take place at the event is the Student Pitch Competition, where different people will get the chance to tell attendees their ideas, why they believe their ideas are great and why they are worth taking a chance on.
  • The chance to meet business partners and investors: Every success in any industry that you can think of is one that was achieved through collaboration. The GetEquity startup Festival presents an opportunity for players in the Tech and startup ecosystem to network and connect. A great many business deals and partnerships will be struck at the event; won’t it be best if one of them took your business to the next level or bring you financial success?
  • You have a solution or vision for the tech industry in Nigeria: The Tech industry in Nigeria is still a young one, and like a young child, it has huge potential. But potential alone is not a guarantee for success. So it is important for people who have a vision for the industry to come together and spark conversations that will enable the industry to achieve greatness in the near future.
  • Align with the direction of the future: As a stakeholder in the startup and Tech industry in Nigeria, everyone would not necessarily have a big idea of how the industry will move forward. However, it is important to align yourself or your business with the direction of decision-makers instead of sailing against the tide. Going with the industry direction is bound to increase the speed and build momentum for individual success in the industry.

FAQs about the GetEquity Startup Festival

What is the nearest landmark/bus stop to the venue?

The nearest landmark is Blue Moon Hotel (Beside Lekki Leisure Lake). Glitz Event Centre is opposite the landmark.

Where can tickets be obtained?

Register via the Festival's website 

How much do the tickets cost?

The tickets are absolutely FREE.

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